OMICS Publishing Group

OMICS Group is dedicated to offer a platform for extensive peer reviewed articles through its renowned editorial board members. We strongly believe that removing the limitations to research published online from different ongoing and future scientific projects will greatly aid to the success of technological innovation.

Main Idea:

OMICS Publishing Group will keep up to date with the latest advances in specific fields and papers published in its journal will be directly accessible to the readers at absolutely free of cost. Archived online publications of OMICS journals will provide the international scientific community with immediate and permanent access to individual content. OMICS Publishing Group accepts online letters from the publishers and the authors that contribute to the previously published articles in the respective fields.

OMICS Publishing Group is an open access scientific journal publisher which publishes articles content in about more than 200 open access journals. OMICS Group accepts and publishes scholarly articles content from colleges, universities, and industries all over the world. It is also the member, publishing partner, and source content provider to, PubMed central, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus, Scientific commons, etc. All published articles in OMICS Group journals are freely accessible to anyone through internet.

Articles conveyed for publication in OMICS Group are peer reviewed by independent panel of professionals from appropriate areas of study. A team of about 25,000 reviewers evaluate the articles content communicated for different journals in OMICS Publishing Group. Articles posted to OMICS journals are pre-checked for quality and standard OMICS formats. Each article is processed by editorial board and published immediately after acceptance.

Besides publishing journals, OMICS Group also organizes international conferences across the world. The conferences will feature both oral and poster presentations from the foremost authorities significant to the respective area of scientific work. OMICS organizes these conferences on multiple disciplines related to life sciences, chemical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, clinical sciences, and medical sciences etc. Conferences include concurrent and interactive sessions and important suggestions from experts on particular topics fulfill the purpose of the conference. The themes in the conferences organized by OMIC
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